Sunday, November 14, 2010

11/13/1925- Friday

That is the day that my mom was born. She would have been 85 years old yesterday. WOW! I have to say I was the typical teenager and drove my mom crazy. My mom was the funniest person I knew. She would often just start laughing and then the tears would start... Oh my gosh... Just thinking about it I start laughing. After my dad died my mom came to live with us in Portland. We had many adventures together. I remember one time some friends and I took her to the Randy Travis concert at the beach. On the way down she was telling jokes, when the concert started, Randy Travis was telling the same jokes. It was so funny, I'm like Mom, do you and Randy share the same writer? I am very lucky that my friends also loved my mom. Every time I went places with them, they always asked where my mom was. Everyone knew her. I do have great friends!!! My mom and I also shared the love of coffee, I would often sneak her the "extra" cup of coffee before going to work. My nieces and nephew were also very lucky to have her, or maybe the other way around, my mom would often get the kids to give her candy.

My mom loved to watch the birds and squirrels in the neighborhood. She would call the squirrel "Charlie". She also loved her "grand puppy" zado. He was very gentle with her and they shared a bond. She loved to watch TV gameshows like Supermarket Sweep, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, and Family Feud. The kids, especially Erin would watch TV with her. Their favorite pastime was watching Rescue 911.

I do hope one day if I have children I would possess some of the same qualities. I miss you! I love you!
At some point I will post some pictures of my beatuiful mom ... Have a great day!

Friday, November 12, 2010


OK, so in the past I have tried to keep a blog, but eventually I became bored and stopping updating. Well I am trying again. I read many blogs of family and friends and I enjoy knowing whats going on in there lives, so I thought, I need an outlet so why not.  Wish me Luck :)